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As tensions continue between Iran and the west, Dominicans should be aware that we have Family in Iran. Recently, we received this note from our brothers there. Please hold them in prayer.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we hear again of strange things, around from far and near and we are being less certain of our future.

It is a time of great dilemma for us and for many. So let us not tease or make any one feel less important or out of sight ... but regard, respect one another as brothers. We know nothing what can happen tomorrow.

Hope we can be more sensitive to each other and to the reality we are to face in coming days.

Peace to all those who are of good will.

Best regards.

Your brothers in Tehran.

This note was passed on by bro. Prakash Lohale and Marie Therese Periault, Intenrational Co-Promoters of Justice and Peace.

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