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Houston Dominicans join three other congregations in launching new informational website.

Houston Poster"Our habits have changed, but not our mission" is the slogan of the new website launched by four Texas congregations of sisters.

The informational website is the work of an imaging committee composed of members of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston, the Sisters of Divine Providence, San Antonio, and the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Corpus Christi, according the JoAnn Niehaus, OP, the Houston Dominican representative.

The aim of the website is to increase the visibility of religious life by featuring stories of the sisters and answering frequently asked questions about religious life. Each of the four congregations display stories of three of their sisters focusing on their life and ministries. Other stories will be cycled in from time to time.

Houston Dominican Linda Gibler appears on the splash page along with a fully-habited young Sr. JoAnn of 50 years ago. Linda tells her story of choosing Dominican life. She has just completed her Doctoral degree in Philosophy and Religion with a concentration in Cosmology and Consciousness.She studied at the California Institute of Integral Studies where Brian Swimme was her teacher and mentor.

Two other Houston Dominicans, Lydia Delgado and Sharon Steglich, are featured in the Dominican stories. Lydia has a ministry to the frail elderly poor, and Sharon teaches first grade.

The Houston Chronicle ran stories about the website and about Linda Gibler front page of the religion section of Saturday's edition.

The four congregations are distributing posters and sending postcards that announce the new website. the new website was on display at the LCWR meeting recently in Kansas City, MO.









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