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The Discernment Process

Prayer - Develop a deep union with God through prayer. The rosary, daily Mass, frequent Eucharistic adoration and scripture reading are great means for discovering God's will for you. Ask God to help you know the value of commitment and the grace to live it.

Spiritual Direction - Regular and honest discussion of your life with a spiritual director or guide will enable you to understand where God is leading you. Confide in a trusted person about your deepest questions and concerns.

Gathering Information - Gather information about Dominican life and spirituality through reading, talking to other Dominicans or attending a discernment weekend. Spend time with us.

Experience - Visit Dominican communities. Watch for announcements about up coming weekends for discernment or opportunities to participate in Dominican events.

This initial getting acquainted period varies in length of time. It all depends on your comfort level, vocational discernment and readiness. At some point, if you find yourself called to life as a Dominican, you would request an application from the contact person in each congregation or province and begin the next steps.