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DSI Ecological Conference

Letter to Al Gore on the release of the documentary:
An Inconvenient Truth

Dear Mr. Gore,

We, members of the Dominican Order from around the globe, gathered in this year of the 800th anniversary of our Order, want to express our support for the message on behalf of Earth and her peoples that you passionately proclaim in so many ways. We appreciate your willingness to stand in integrity based on your principles. We recognize the difficulties you encounter in standing up for your convictions in face of denial, ridicule, and the widespread influence of global economic forces. We see you in the company of those historical figures who have faced similar opposition.

Thank you for publicly witnessing to the influence of teachers and mentors. As Dominicans, searching for truth, teaching, preaching and raising consciousness in our own venues, we know that you must keep going out of interior conviction. We are grateful for all you do with grassroots people around the world.

“An Inconvenient Truth” conveys clearly the crisis of global warming. Your depiction of the dire ecological situation in the near future is powerful and convincing. We also appreciate the practical encouragement for the ordinary citizen – that our efforts to recycle, to make lifestyle changes and use things wisely – do make a difference. The fact that the ozone holes are closing after the banning of destructive aerosol sprays enkindles hope.

As Dominican educators and promoters of worldwide eco-justice we are inspired by and grateful for your work.

In solidarity,

Participants in the Ecological Conference of
Dominican Sisters International

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This letter was sent to former Vice-President Al Gore on the release of his documentary: An Inconvenient Truth, which explores the effects of global warming on the environment and the moral and ethical questions that must be faced in light of accepted scientific evidence.

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